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Research interests, Methods and PublicationsResearch interests:Methods:
Selected Publications:Live search on PubMed for author=BaskinTI: Laskowski MJ, Tiley HC, Fang Y, Epstein A, Fu Y, Ramos R, Drummond TJ, Heidstra R, Bhakhri P, Baskin TI, Leyser O (2022) The miR156 juvenility factor & PLETHORA 2 form a regulatory network and influence timing of meristem growth and lateral root emergence. Development, 149, dev199871 doi:10.1242/dev.199871. Stoynova-Bakalova EZ, Bakalov DV, Baskin TI (2022) Ethylene represses the promoting influence of cytokinin on cell division and expansion of cotyledons in etiolated Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. PeerJ, 10:e14315 DOI 10.7717/peerj.14315. Zimmermann MJ, Bose, J, Kramer EM, Atkin OK, Tyerman SD, Baskin TI (2022) Oxygen uptake rates have contrasting responses to temperature in the root meristem and elongation zone. Physiologia Plantarum, 174: e13682. Baskin TI, Preston S, Zelinsky E, Yang X, Elmali M, Bellos D, Wells DM, Bennett MJ (2020) Positioning the root elongation zone is saltatory and receives input from the shoot. iScience 23, 101309. Baskin TI, Zelinsky E (2019) Kinematic characterization of root growth by means of Stripflow. In: Plant Cell Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols, 2nd Edition. Cvrcková F, Zárský V (eds), Humana, NY, pp. 291 - 305. Edwards J, Laskowski M, Baskin TI, Mitchell N, DeMeo B (2019) The role of water in fast plant movements. Integrative and Comparative Biology 59: 1525 - 1534. Liu D, Zehfroosh N, Hancock BL, Hines K, Fang W, Kilfiol M, Learned-Miller E, Sanguinet KA, Goldner LS, Baskin TI (2017) Imaging cellulose synthase motility during primary cell wall synthesis in the grass Brachypodium distachyon. Scientific Reports 7: 15111. Dietrich D, Pang L, ... Takahashi H, Bennett MJ (2017) Root hydrotropism is controlled via a cortex-specific growth mechanism. Nature Plants 3, 17057. Yang X, Dong G, Palaniappan K, Mi G, Baskin TI (2017) Temperature-compensated cell production rate and elongation zone length in the root of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell and Environment 40: 264 – 276. Baskin TI (2015) Auxin inhibits expansion rate independently of cortical microtubules. Trends in Plant Science 20: 471 – 472. Burkart GM, Baskin TI, Bezanilla M (2015) A family of ROP proteins that suppress actin dynamics, and is essential for polarized growth and cell adhesion. Journal of Cell Science 128: 2553 – 2564. Zhu C, Ganguly A, Baskin TI, Foster C, Meunier KA, McClosky DD, Anderson CT, Okamoto R, Berg H, Dixit R (2015) The fragile fiber1 kinesin contributes to cortical microtubule-mediated trafficking of cell wall components. Plant Physiology 167: 780 – 792. Rutschow HL, Baskin TI, Kramer EM (2014) The carrier AUXIN RESISTANT (AUX1) dominates auxin flux into arabidopsis protoplasts. New Phytologist 204: 536 – 544. Baskin TI, Orr TJ, Jercinovic M, Yoshida M (2014) Sample preparation for scanning electron microscopy: The surprising case of freeze drying from tertiary butanol. Microscopy Today 22 (3): 36 – 39. Handakumbura PP, Matos DA, Osmont KS, Harrington M, Heo K, Kafle K, Kim SH, Baskin TI, Hazen SP (2013) Perturbation of Brachypodium distachyon CELLULOSE SYNTHASE A4 or 7 results in abnormal cell walls. BMC Plant Biology 13: 131 Baskin TI, Jensen OE (2013) On the role of stress anisotropy in stems. Journal of Experimental Botany; 64: 4697 – 4707 Baskin TI (2013) Patterns of root growth acclimation: Constant processes, changing boundaries. WIREs Developmental Biology; 2: 65 – 73. Hamada T, Tominaga M, Fukaya T, Nakamura M, Nakano A, Watanabe Y, Hashimoto T, Baskin TI (2012) RNA processing bodies, peroxisomes, Golgi bodies, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum tubule junctions frequently pause at cortical microtubules. Plant and Cell Physiology 53: 699 – 708. Wu S, Baskin TI, Gallagher KL (2012) Mechanical fixation techniques for processing and orienting delicate samples, such as the root of Arabidopsis thaliana, for light or electron microscopy. Nature Protocols 7: 1113 – 1124. Baskin TI, Gu Y (2012) Making parallel lines meet: Transferring information from microtubules to extracellular matrix. Cell Adhesion and Migration 6: 1 – 5. Rutschow HL, Baskin TI, Kramer EM (2011) Regulation of solute flux through plasmodesmata in the root meristem. Plant Physiology 155: 1817 – 1826. Abdel-Basset R, Ozuka S, Demiral T, Furuichi T, Sawatani I, Baskin TI, Matsumoto H, Yamamoto Y (2010) Aluminium reduces sugar uptake in tobacco cell cultures: a potential cause of inhibited elongation but not of toxicity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61: 1597-1610. Gu Y, Kaplinsky N, Bringmann M, Cobb A, Carroll A, Sampathkumar A, Baskin TI, Persson S, Somerville C (2010) Identification of a novel CESA-associated protein required for cellulose biosynthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 107:12866-12871. Rahman A, Takahashi M, Shibasaki K, Wu S, Inaba T, Tsurumi S, Baskin TI (2010) Gravitropism of Arabidopsis thaliana roots requires the polarization of PIN2 toward the root tip in meristematic cortical cells. Plant Cell 22: 1762-1776. Baskin TI, Peret B, Baluska F, Benfey PN, Bennett M, Forde BG, Gilroy S, Helariutta Y, Hepler PK, Leyser O, Masson PH, Muday GK, Murphy AS, Poethig S, Rahman A, Roberts K, Scheres B, Sharp RE, Somerville C (2010) Shootward and Rootward: peak terminology for plant polarity. Trends in Plant Science 15: 593 – 594. Romagnoli S, Faleri C Bini L, Baskin TI, Cresti M (2010) Cytosolic proteins from tobacco pollen tubes that cross-link microtubules and actin filaments in vitro are metabolic enzymes. Cytoskeleton 67: 745 – 754. Driouich A, Baskin TI (2008) Intercourse between cell wall and cytoplasm exemplified by arabinogalactan proteins and cortical microtubules. American Journal of Botany 95: 1491-1497.
Wu S, Scheible W-R, Schindelasch D, Van Den Daele H, De Veylder L, Baskin TI (2010) A conditional mutation in arabidopsis separase induces chromosome non-disjunction, aberrant morphogenesis, and cyclin B1;1 stability. Development 137: 953 - 961.
Bannigan A, Lizotte-Waniewski M, Riley M, Baskin TI (2008) Emerging molecular mechanisms that power and regulate the anastral mitotic spindle of flowering plants. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton. 65: 1 – 11. Kramer EM, Frazer NL, Baskin TI (2007) Measurement of diffusion within the cell wall in living roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 58: 3005 – 3015. Nguema-Ona E, Bannigan A, Chevalier L, Baskin TI, Driouich A (2007) Disruption of arabinogalactan-proteins disorganizes cortical microtubules in the root of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 52: 240 – 251. Bannigan A, Scheible W-R, Lukowitz W, Fagerstrom C, Wadsworth P, Somerville C, Baskin TI (2007) A conserved role for kinesin-5 in plant mitosis. Journal of Cell Science 120: 2819 – 2827. Baskin TI (2007) Ultradian growth oscillations in organs: Physiological
signal or noise? In Rhythms in Plants: Phenomenology, Mechanisms,
and Adaptive Significance. S Mancuso & S Shabala (eds), Springer,
Berlin, pp. 63 - 76. Rahman A, Bannigan A, Sulaman W, Pechter P, Blancaflor EB, Baskin TI
(2007) Auxin, actin, and growth of the Arabidopsis thaliana primary root.
Plant Journal 50: 514–528. Rahman A, Nakasone A, Chhun T, Ooura C, Biswas KK, Uchimiya H, Tsurumi
S, Baskin TI, Tanaka A, Oono Y (2006) A small acidic protein 1 (SMAP1)
mediates responses of the arabidopsis root to the synthetic auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic
acid. Plant Journal 47: 788 – 801. Bannigan A, Wiedemeier AMD, Williamson RE, Overall RL, Baskin TI (2006)
Cortical microtubule arrays lose uniform alignment between cells and are
oryzalin resistant in the arabidopsis mutant, radially swollen 6. Plant
and Cell Physiology 47: 949 – 958. Baskin TI (2006) Imaging the primary cell wall. In The Science and
Lore of the Plant Cell Wall, ed. Hiyashi T, BrownWalker, Boca Raton,
pp. 11 – 22. Peters WS, Baskin TI (2006) Tailor-made composite functions as tools
in model choice: the case of sigmoidal vs bi-linear growth profiles. Plant
Methods 2:12 (electronic medium, no page #s). Murata T, Sonobe S, Baskin TI, Hyodo S, Hasezawa S, Nagata T, Horio T,
Hasebe M (2005) Microtubule-dependent microtubule nucleation based on
recruitment of g-tubulin in higher plants. Nature Cell Biology 7: 961
- 968. Baskin TI (2005) Anisotropic expansion of the plant cell wall. Annual
Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 21: 203 - 222. Marga F, Grandbois M, Cosgrove DJ, Baskin TI (2005) Cell wall extension
results in the coordinate separation of parallel microfibrils: Evidence
from scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Plant Journal
43: 181 – 190. Roudier F, Fernandez AG, Fujita M, Himmelspach R, Borner GHH, Schindelman
G, Song S, Baskin TI, Dupree P, Wasteneys GO, Benfey PN (2005) COBRA,
an extracellular GPI-anchored protein, specifically controls highly anisotropic
expansion through its involvement in cellulose microfibril orientation.
Plant Cell 17: 1749-1763. Eleftheriou EP, Baskin TI, Hepler PK (2005) Aberrant cell plate formation
in the Arabidopsis thaliana microtubule organization 1 mutant. Plant and
Cell Physiology 46: 671 – 675. Lovy-Wheeler A, Wilsen KL, Baskin TI, Hepler PK (2005) Enhanced fixation
reveals the apical cortical fringe of actin filaments as a consistent
feature of the pollen tube. Planta 221:95-104. Baskin TI, Beemster GTS, Judy-March JE, Marga F (2004) Disorganization
of cortical microtubules stimulates tangential expansion and reduces the
uniformity of cellulose microfibril alignment among cells in the root
of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 135: 2279 - 2290. Tian GW, Smith D, Glück S, Baskin TI (2004) The higher plant cortical microtubule array analyzed in vitro in the presence of the cell wall. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 57: 26-36. Sivaguru M, Pike S, Gassmann W, Baskin TI (2003) Aluminum rapidly depolymerizes
cortical microtubules and depolarizes the plasma membrane: Evidence that
these responses are mediated by a glutamate receptor. Plant and Cell Physiology
44: 667–-675. van der Weele CM, Jiang H, Palaniappan KK, Ivanov VB, Palaniappan K, Baskin TI (2003) A new algorithm for computational image analysis of deformable motion at high spatial and temporal resolution applied to root growth: Roughly uniform elongation in the meristem and also, after an abrupt acceleration, in the elongation zone. Plant Physiology 132: 1138-1148. Ma Z, Baskin TI, Brown KM, Lynch JP (2003) Regulation of root elongation under phosphorus stress involves changes in ethylene responsiveness. Plant Physiology 131: 1381—1390. Wiedemeier AMD, Judy-March JE, Hocart CH, Wasteneys GO, Williamson RE, Baskin TI (2002) Mutant alleles of arabidopsis RADIALLY SWOLLEN 4 and RSW7 reduce growth anisotropy without altering the transverse orientation of cortical microtubules or cellulose microfibrils. Development 129: 4821 - 4830. Andème-Onzighi C, Sivaguru M, Judy-March J, Baskin TI, Driouich A (2002) The reb1-1 mutation of Arabidopsis alters the morphology of trichoblasts, the expression of arabinogalactan-proteins and the organization of cortical microtubules. Planta 215: 949 - 958. Schindelman G, Morikami A, Jung J, Baskin TI, Carpita NC, Derbyshire P, McCann MC, Benfey PN (2001) COBRA encodes a putative GPI-anchored protein, which is polarly localized and necessary for oriented cell expansion in Arabidopsis. Genes and Development 15: 1115 - 1127. Lane DR, Wiedemeier A, Peng L, Höfte H, Hocart CH, Birch RJ, Baskin TI, Burn JE, Arioli T, Betzner AS, Williamson RE (2001) Temperature-sensitive alleles of radially swollen2 link the KORRIGAN endo-1,4-ß-glucanase to cellulose synthesis and cytokinesis. Plant Physiology 126: 278 - 288. Baskin TI, Remillong EL, Wilson JE (2001) The impact of mannose and other carbon sources on the elongation and diameter of the primary root of Arabidopsis thaliana. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 28: 481-488. Baskin TI, Meekes HTHM, Liang BM, Sharp RE (1999) Regulation of growth anisotropy in well watered and water-stressed maize roots. II. Role of cortical microtubules and cellulose microfibrils. Plant Physiology 119: 681 - 692. Beemster GTS, Baskin TI (2000) STUNTED PLANT 1 mediates effects of cytokinin, but not of auxin, on cell division and expansion in the root of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 124: 1718 - 1727. Beemster GTS, Baskin TI (1998) Analysis of cell division and elongation underlying the developmental acceleration of root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 116: 1515 - 1526. van der Weele CM, Spollen WG, Sharp RE, Baskin TI (2000) Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings under water deficit studied by control of water potential in nutrient-agar media. Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 1555 - 1562. Liang BM, Sharp RE, Baskin TI (1997) Regulation of growth anisotropy in well watered and water-stressed maize roots I. Spatial distribution of longitudinal, radial and tangential expansion rates. Plant Physiology 115: 101 - 111. |