Parasitology (MICRO 590S)
Parasitology is a senior/graduate level
lecture course designed to provide students of microbiology and biology
with a basic understanding of classical and modern parasitology. Although
there are many different types of parasites, our discussions focus
primarily on protozoan and metazoan parasites of major medical/veterinary
consequence. Topics covered include basic principles of parasitology,
life cycles, epidemiology, host-parasite interactions, drug treatments
and vector control programs. Additional discussions include the basic biology, biochemistry and genetics of selected parasites.
Parasitology Lab (MICRO 590L)
The accompanying laboratory course for 590S.
Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis (MICRO 797P)
Explores through current primary literature some of the complex processes used by microbial pathogens to establish themselves in a host and to gain nutrients, subsequently causing host cell damage and disease, and to evade the host's defense. Includes discussion of the modern molecular biology, genetics, and biochemistry tools to study these processes.
Advanced Cell Biology (MCB 641)
Structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Properties of membranes and cellular transport systems, energy transduction, assembly and morphogenesis of organelles, organization of nucle-us and cytoskeleton. Experimental approaches emphasized.
Writing in Microbiology (MICRO 360)
Satisfies the Junior Year Writing requirement. Students develop their writing skills while completing a series of short assignments. Each participant identifies a biological topic of their choice to research and write about during the semester.