ID | Immunodiffusion |
EP | Agarose Electrophoresis |
IEP | Immunoelectrophoresis |
QIEP | Quantitative Immunoelectrophoresis |
ID anti-Lv-1 titration |
QIEP prelims anti-Lv-1 |
QIEP 1, 3, 9% anti-Lv-2 |
QIEP gels |
QIEP on mucous of estradiol treated cod (33,34,36)& Lv |
EP Lv|33|34|36|m|Lv|Lv 3.5hr 8/21/98 |
EP Lv|33|34|36|m|Lv|Lv 2hr 8/28/98 |
EP 33|Lv|m|m|36|Lv 1.5hr 8/31/98 |
IEP pair of above. |
EP 33/Yolk titration |
AL9811/9903 serum |
kinemage of serum Vg titer |
cod/haddock serum fused QIEP |