Since the time for downloading of the full size images would be long, the images are shown as "thumbnail" pictures from which YOU select what to view. Larger versions of the images can be obtained by selecting the "thumbnail" image.
Use the "BACK" navigation function of your browser to return to the Gallery. This resource is under development and will have additions and changes to the format of the pages as we see what works.
Xylem stained with Schiff's
Reagent, Confocal Z-series Image
image (Use Red/Green Glasses!)
SEM image (click here for the TIFF
SEM image - PCB connector,
1920x1440 JPG image, 272k.
This is a full-resolution TIFF, 1920x1440
pixels, 2.788 Mb.
You may have to tell your browser what to do with a TIFF image. There is usually a place where the user can set the "actions" for certain file extensions. If no viewing application is associated with the "tiff/tif" extension in that menu, you may be able to select "Download". In this case the file will be downloaded to your computer and you may then start an application program to view the image.
Green Fluorescent Protein in cultured
Tobacco cells, confocal image
Animated GIF, Green Fluorescent Protein in cultured Tobacco cells.
Projection of confocal image Z-series.
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