Immunology Lab 542
FACScan Fluorescence Intensities from Histograms
Disk file name  02047
Student name  Gregory Harrison
Cell type  Thymocytes Cells in scatter gate as % of total events  74%


Cycle No. Ab Specificity (Marker) Fluorochrome on Ab (if any)
 1  IgM  PE


If >1 peak Fluorescence Intensity (FI)
Control (Blank)
Corrected Fluorescence Intensity (CFI)†
Peak No.§ Peak: % of (Events in Gate)‡ Disk File number Fluorescence Intensity (FI)
 FL1  1  84%  10  02026  2.2  7.8
 FL1  2  15%  81  02026  2.2  78.8
 FL2  1  99%  4  02026  2.6 1.4
FL2   2  1%  103  02026  2.6 100.4
*Specify whether FL1 or FL2 for each line in the table.
§Which peak, the first (from the left), second, ...?
‡ The peak as a % of (events in gate).
Note that (events in gate) as % of (total events) is entered at the top. If you have two equal-sized peaks, the peak % of (events in gate) should be 50% and 50%, regardless of what % of the (total events) were in the scatter gate.
†Select the appropriate control, and subtract it from your sample's FI to get the CFI.