News & Announcements

Olivia Macrorie MS Thesis defense

Title: Investigating the role of Got2 in murine organogenesis and placental development

Advisor: Kimberly D Tremblay

Monday December 18 at 1pm in ISB 221

Successful Annual MCB Retreat at Mount Snow VT

Christine Otfinoski PhD Dissertation Defense


Title: Visual experience is necessary for maintenance but not development of lateral inhibition in superior colliculus

Advisor: Sarah Pallas

November 20th at 11:15am

Morrill 2 222

Hyuna Kim's PhD defense 

Studies on Breast Cancer Dormancy Using Cell Lineage Tree Approach and Tissue-Mimicking Hydrogels

Shelly Peyton's lab

August 30, 1pm

LSL N410

MCB PhD candidate Saman Nayyab selected to give a talk at the GRC Fertilization and Activation of Development

Saman was selected to give a 10-minute talk at the Gordon Research Conference: Fertilization and Activation of Development in Holderness, NH, after presenting her poster "Characterization of TSSK1, TSSK2, and TSSK3 as potential targets for male contraception". This was her very first talk at a conference — way to go, Saman!

Samantha Schultz successfully defended her Masters Thesis work

“Combining Simulation and the MspA Nanopore to Study p53 Dynamics and Interactions”

Advisors: Jianhan Chen and Min Chen

Tom Scudder received his Masters degree

Tom uncovered critical determinants that govern the regulated delivery of protease substrates needed for driving the bacterial cell cycle. 

Advisor: Peter Chien

Bao Nguyen won a Protein Society Symposium Poster Award

Congratulations Bao Nguyen from Meg Stratton's lab for winning Graduate Poster award from the Protein Society Symposium 37. The awardees were selected among 250+ posters.

Nathan Canniff successfully defended his PhD work

Nathan has done a beautiful job characterizing and dissecting the role of TTC17 in human secretory pathway protein trafficking. He has used an impressive array of genetic, biochemical, molecular biological, cell biological, computational and quantitative mass spectrometry approaches.

"A novel ER adapter protein TTC17 mediates protein trafficking in the endoplasmic reticulum"

Advisor: Daniel Hebert

Sarah Tucker MS Defense

"Climate Change, Giant Viruses and Their Putative Hosts"

July 13, 2023

