Curriculum Vitae: Shannon M. Bayse

Postdoctoral Fellow
2003 - B.S. Viginia Tech, Biology
2009 - M.S. Nova Southeastern University, Marine Biology
2015 - Ph.D. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Marine Science & Technology
My research interests include fish behavior, physiology, and conservation engineering. Currently, my research is focused on the temperature and energy use of American shad and its effect on fish passage and spawning success. This research includes: (1) swimming studies and respirometry to determine maximum sustained swimming capacity, burst swimming capacity, and oxygen demand; (2) measurements of energy (lipids) throughout migration (non-lethally via the Distell ‘Fatmeter’); and (3) spawning studies comparing survival and fertilization success between different flows, temperatures, and passage.
Bayse, S.M., He, P., In Review. Technical conservation measures in New England small-mesh trawl fisheries: Current status and future prospects. Ocean & Coastal Management.
Bayse, S.M., Pol, M.V., Walsh, M., Walsh, A., Bendiksen, T., He, P. In Review. Reducing bycatch in the longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) trawl fishery with a grid. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Bayse, S.M., Pol, M.V., He, P., In Press. Fish and squid behaviour at the mouth of a drop-chain trawl: factors contributing to capture or escape. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Bayse, S.M., Rillahan, C.B., Jones, N.F., Balzano, V., He, P., 2016. Evaluating a large-mesh belly window to reduce bycatch in silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) trawls. Fisheries Research 174: 1-9.
Bayse, S.M., Herrmann, B., Lenoir, H., Depestele, J., Polet, H., Vanderperren, E., Verschueren, B., 2016. Could a T90 mesh codend improve selectivity in the Belgian beam trawl fishery? Fisheries Research 174: 201-209.
Bayse, S.M., He, P., Pol, M.V., Chosid, D.M., 2014. Quantitative analysis of the behavior of longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) in reaction to a species separation grid of an otter trawl. Fisheries Research 152: 55-61.
Kerstetter, D.W., Bayse, S.M., Fenton, J.L., Graves, J.E., 2011. Sailfish habitat utilization and vertical movements in the southern Gulf of Mexico and Florida Straits. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 3: 353-365.
Kerstetter, D.W., Bayse, S.M., Graves, J.E., 2010. Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) habitat utilization in the southern Gulf of Mexico and Florida Straits with implications on vulnerability to shallow-set pelagic longline gear. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 65: 1701-12.
Bayse, S.M., Kerstetter, D.W., 2010. Assessing bycatch reduction potential of variable strength hooks for pilot whales in a western North Atlantic pelagic longline fishery. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science 126: 6-14.