The catalytic effect of engagement in the CMER experience: A perspective over three CMER projects.


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Table of Contents

The catalytic effect of engagement in the CMER experience: A perspective over three CMER projects.

Three CMER Projects

Stages of a CMER researcher

First CMER Project

Learning from Jose Pereira

Winter Flounder Lipovitellin

Anti-Winter Flounder-Lv, Objective Achieved!

Second CMER Project

Joe K’s First Sea Experience

Hagfish Lipovitellin is heat stable!

Cod Lipovitellin Purification

Atlantic Cod in CMER study (all)

Biggest Gadus morhua in decade?

Atlantic Cod in CMER study Deleware 94-12 raw

Atlantic Cod in CMER study Deleware 94-12 log/log

Atlantic Cod in CMER study Deleware 94-12 maturity

Atlantic Cod in CMER study AL 99-03

Atlantic Cod in CMER study AL 99-03 maturity

The Scientific Sampling Team

Third CMER Project tautog growth & development

Tautoga onitis, black fish

Tautog embryo landmarks

PUFA assay

Shad gill PUFA Content: FAs across samples.

Shad gill PUFA Content: 39 FAs within a sample.

PUFA analysis

Shad gill PUFA Content, P’C-1

Shad gill PUFA Content, P’C-2

Shad gill PUFA Content, P’C-3

Shad gill PUFA Content, P’Cs 1 vs 3

Shad gill PUFA Content, P’Cs 1 vs 3

Shad gill PUFA Content, P’Cs 1 vs 2

Shad gill PUFA Content, P’Cs 1-3


Author: Joseph G. Kunkel


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