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Vibrating Probe Facility at UMass Amherst
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Vibrating Probe Facility at UNE Biddeford, Maine

Directed by Joseph G. Kunkel, Emeritus Professor, Biology, UMass and Research Professor UNE Biddeford

OBJECTIVE: The development and use of non-invasive probes to study the 3-dimensional distribution of ionic and molecular flux about living tissues.
Have a question? Visit our UMVP FAQ page.

SIET (Scanning Ion-selective Electrode Technique)

Calibration of the SIET

SPET (Scanning Polarographic Electrode Technique) -or- SREM (Self-Referencing Electrochemical Microelectrode)

Construction and Calibration of the SPET/SREM

The SVET (Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique)

Calibration of the SVET

If you have questions about visiting or using the University of Massachusetts Vibrating Probe Facility, email its PI, Joe Kunkel

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Page maintained by Joe Kunkel, Copyright(c) 1995.
Created: 95/10/28 Updated: 2005/01/09