Second Semiannual Report on:

Use of Morphometrics and Biochemical Assays to
    Study the Development of Larval Tautog.

      Proposal response to CMER NOAA/NMFS RESEARCH TOPICS - 1998:

 19. Effect of Dietary Fatty Acid and Amino Acid Composition on the Growth Rate and  Body Composition of Larval Tautog (Tautoga onitis) and on the Reproductive Success of Adult Tautog

   (contact: Dean Perry, 203-579-7030, Milford Laboratory)

Joseph Kunkel

Status of research during June 1, 2000 through October 31, 2000, on the effect of PUFAs on the growth and development of the larval and juvenile tautog (Tautoga onitis).

Future of Tautog Lipid Analyses

The methodology for analyzing small samples of lipid was developed on shad gill samples during the first year of the grant.  The results presented in our last report demonstrated our application of those micro extraction and analysis methodology to the samples of algae, rotifers, adult food and tautog eggs and larvae that were provided by the Milford NMF Lab.  The figures provide graphical analysis of the samples but interpretation of the results will await the final project report.  We have requested an extension of our budget until September 2001 in partial expectation that some tautog larvae will be reared in the Spring of 2001.   The figures provided with the last report were summaries of much more extensive data which will be tabulated along with summary figures in our final report.

Antiserum to tautog Lipovitellin.

A rabbit immunized with purified tautog lipovitellin (Lv) produced an anti-tautog-Lv-serum. This antiserum was characterized and found to be highly reactive to tautog Lv.   Since we are not anticipating any larval tautog to use the antiserum on until spring 2001, we will store the antiserum for future use. The project did establish that tautog Lv is consistent with other fish Lvs in being heat stabile (Hartling et al., 1997).  This methodology for producing an antiserum has worked successfully in our hands on winter flounder, Atlantic cod, American shad and now tautog.  This antiserum could be used to test for the titer of vitellogenin in tautog female serum as well as follow the utilization of Lv in tautog larvae (Hartling and Kunkel, 1999) as we have proposed.  Its specificity for Vg in female serum needs to be tested by demonstrating no reaction to control male tautog serum.  This control testing can be done as soon as we can obtain serum from male tautog but would ideally be done in the spring of 2001 when we could also test for the positive reaction with vitellogenic female serum.  In the event that there is some residual reactivity to male serum components, the antiserum could be made female specific by adsorbing it with male serum.

Morphometric analysis of Tautog Larval Development

Equipment was purchased and software and protocols developed for recording and analyzing the homogeneity of larval tautog development.  In the absence of sufficient tautog larvae to develop our protocols we arranged to use a model system in the methodology development phase.  Larval tilapia were obtained from Bioshelters and photographed at intervals using a Kodak MDS-120 camera with Parco Stereo Microscope adapter.   This system is superior in resolution to the image averaging of video input provided by the Rohlf tpsDig software.   Although many images of larvae were collected, it has become obvious that we need to develop a larval fish holder which will enable us to rotate the larva to an ideal lateral plane for photography.  In particular the eyes of successive larvae were obviously rotated with different yaw such that in the lateral aspect the eye looks to be differently situated in otherwise identical fish.  We will continue this approach in the Fall with the help of a new undergraduate, Jennifer Schnorbus, who is training on the project.  Our current protocol includes brief anaesthesia of the individual larval tilapia with ms222, photography under water with the megapixel camera through the disecting microscope.  The megapixel images are stored with no compression and archived onto zip discs.  These images are then digitized for their landmarks.  The ms222 anaesthesia provides a neutral identical posture for different individuals.  These results are promising in their possibility of providing 2-D lateral landmarks if we can develop a jig for controling the yaw of the larva during photography.  The superposition of the two eyes is being used to aid in rotating the larva the correct number of degrees to a correct lateral view.   A second approach which we are experimenting with is to take two images at a fixed angle of rotation and use the two different lateral landmark data sets to achieve a 3-D placement of landmarks.  This will require more computation but will provide data on the growth in thickness of the larva which may be valuable in gauging growth.  This project will be of use to Bioshelters, which is providing the embryos from its successful aquaculture facility, and which is concerned with homogeneity of growth of their tilapia larvae.  We propose to apply this technique to the tautog culture in the late spring of 2001.  Our relatively non-invasive technology may make it possible to follow growth of aquacultured larvae in situ at Milford so that we can test actual cohorts of larvae from the growth tanks enriched with different natural and artificial food choices.  We have money available in the Biology Department MBL Fund to partially support student participation in travel to research stations for training or research.

Active Personnel during this reporting period.

  1. Joe Kunkel, PI.  Morphometric analysis and protein purification and analysis.
  2. Joe Zydlewski, Postdoctoral Associate.  Lipid analysis and immunology assay.
  3. Jeff Xu. Graduate student working on image analysis.
  4. Jennifer Schnorbus. Undergraduate student.  Morphometric analysis of larvae.

Respectfully submitted,
Joseph G. Kunkel

Last Updated on 10/01/2000
By Joseph G. Kunkel