Use of Morphometrics and Biochemical Assays to
Study the Development of Larval Tautog.
Proposal response to CMER NOAA/NMFS RESEARCH TOPICS - 1998:
19. Effect of Dietary Fatty Acid and Amino Acid Composition on the Growth Rate and Body Composition of Larval Tautog (Tautoga onitis) and on the Reproductive Success of Adult Tautog
(contact: Dean Perry, 203-579-7030, and Laurel Ramseyer, 203-579-7022, Milford Laboratory)
by Joseph G. Kunkel
Biology Department, U. Massachusetts at Amherst
Our project on the Tautog, (Tautoga onitis), received funding in the Fall of 1998 and I am reporting the progress made toward its goals in its second quarter, Jan. through Mar. 1999.
Progress Outline: