First Quarterly Report on:
Serum and egg vitellogenin measurement in
the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
and its relationship to ovarian development.
- 1996:
4. Biochemical indices of maturity and egg quality in
Atlantic cod
(contact: Frank Almeida, NMF, Woods Hole Laboratory)
by Joseph G. Kunkel
Biology Department, U. Massachusetts at Amherst
Our project on the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, received
funding in the Fall of 1996 and I am reporting the progress made
toward its goals in its first quarter.
Progress Outline:
- Existing-Data Gathering: A tissue and database on
cod was transferred from NMF.
- Existing-Data analysis: Existing data on tissue and
serum are suggestive.
- Serum Sample Analysis: A start has been made and conclusions
- New Sample Gathering: Necessary contacts have been
- Equipment Acquisition: Equipment has been purchased
and is being configured.
- Personnel Identification: Two student trainees were
identified and roles established.
- Cooperation with NOAA: Almost all requested samples
have been supplied.
- Existing-Data Gathering: Joe Kunkel received from Frank
Almeida Atlantic cod serum samples, tissue samples, tissue sections
and an associated database that had been prepared by the National
Marine Fisheries Staff from three trips to Georges Bank. Part
of our proposal was to try to make sense of the existing tissue
and serum samples. There were several special samples
we acquired from NMF which have a bearing on our proposed research.
A protease inhibitor, aprotinin, was injected into several fish
a half hour prior to projected bleeding in order to inhibit proteolytic
cleaving of the yolk serum precursor Vitellogenin (Vg)
during the bleeding process. This provided us with one of the
types of Vg source that we had proposed to produce. Another
set of codfish males had been injected with estradiol and maintained
in NMF holding tanks until bled. We had also proposed such an
estradiol injected male as starting material for Vg purification.
These two sources will be processed to see if the protocols used
produced Vg in sufficient quantity for our purposes.
- Existing-Data analysis: The data files on Length,
Total Weight, Gutted Weight and Gonadal Weight were processed
to produce
Somatic Indices vs body length plots which
could be used to predict which samples were of interest to inspect
more closely. A separate plot of data for fish which we had gonadal
tissue sections prepared was also made and used to identify potentially
interesting serum samples.
- Serum Sample Analysis: The serum samples of potential
interest were run on SDS-PAGE gels 10A-13C by Corrie Perlroth to evaluate if
we could recognize the Vg peptides directly without immunology.
It is essential to characterize the macromolecular properties
of both Vg and its processed counterpart in the egg, Lipovitellin
- New Sample Gathering: Contact with the Gloucester
Lobster Fisherman's Association was instituted through the Gloucester
Harbormaster to find out if they could help us in obtaining fresh/live
cod roe. They are willing to do the collection for free as a
gesture to help the industry.
- Equipment Acquisition: The required equipment for
the analysis of the ovarian tissue samples was assembled and configuration
of the equipment has begun. An ACI 200 MHz Pentium Pro computer
was purchased to allow the image analysis to proceed efficiently.
A 4 Gbyte disk drive was purchased for installation on the Biology
marlin SPARCstation. This will provide adequate storage for the
high resolution true color images of the cod gonads that will
be used to characterize the reproductive state of the female and
correlate with her Vg titer.
- Personnel Identification: Two potential student participants
and trainees for the cod project were identified and their roles
established. Corrie Perlroth is an undergraduate Biology Major
who has been trained by Ruth Hartling and myself to carry out
the SDS-PAGE analysis of serum samples. All SDS-PAGE analyses
completed to date have been done by her. Robert Alperin-Lee is
an undergraduate who plans to participate in the nascent Biology
BS/MS program and will use the cod project as a focus of his Masters
project/thesis. His past experience as a biochemical technician
and specificly with column chromatography make him ideally suited
for helping in purifying the cod Vg or Lv. He has
set up a gel filtration column and is in the process of calibrating
it for use in our analysis of male vs female serum proteins.
This is the first step in deciding whether our estradiol injected
male serum contains sufficient Vg for use in antibody production.
- Cooperation with NOAA: Cooperation with NOAA was said
to be absolutely essential for this project. Frank Almeida of
the Woods Hole National Marine Fisheries Laboratory arranged the
collection of many of the necessary biological materials using
their usual resources for collecting Atlantic cod on the Georges
Bank. The following requested biological samples were provided
(or not provided):
(1) Vitellogenic female serum and male serum (but not mucus)
. Some serum from fish injected with aprotinin 30 min. prior
to bleeding was provided. Female serum for characterization and
potential purification of Vg with ancillary data enabling
us to predict high natural Vg titer. Male serum was provided
from large adult males to provide a large volume to be used in
preparative amounts in developing the purification process and
for potential adsorption of non-female specific antibodies from
the crude antiserum and for quenching curves during the calibration
procedure. (Large scale mucus collection from both vitellogenic
females and males was not obtained and not yet needed.)
(2) Spawned eggs (unfertilized). (Not obtained and we
are now trying to source some.)
(3) Ovaries sampled and fixed for histological examination.
(4) Individually identified specimen records. Complete
data records from individual fish for a multivariate information
database were obtained.
(5) Immature or spent males and females for injection of estradiol-17ß.
Serum from estradiol injected males was obtained.
In conclusion, we feel we are in most respects on task in our search
for an antigen to make an antiserum to cod Vg.