Fig. 1. Route of Amherst Butterfly Walk, established 1997, taken by JG Kunkel routinely
about thirty times a year. The route takes approximately 45 min on
days of minimal sightings. Recording and confirming observations
often adds 15-20 min. to the transect. Having started in July
1997, I have now collected several years of data. I now provide a table
of census statistics on my observations. Beware that since I was
learning the identities of some groups during this process, I have had
to leave some observations without definite identification to the species level.
The following pictures are meant as voucher specimens to identify the species counted but some rise to the level of worthy of reproduction. The individual
digital images are available in larger format (including surrounding vegetation)
from the author. Email:
Fig. 2. Route of Scarborough Maine Butterfly Walk, established 2005, walked by JG
Kunkel about 26 times a year. The walk starts in the parking
lot of the Scarborough River Wildlife Sanctuary which is located on Pinepoint Rd
(Rt 9) in Scarborough ME. A picture list of the Sanctuary organisms is displayed below.