Webster A. Chandler, B.S. '37: I was one of R. E. Torrey's students
who went on in plant science-Cornell and Penn State (5yrs army in between).
I enjoyed walks with him ... Keep up the good work!
Frank Wing, B.S. '40: I trust a forthcoming newsletter will pay
tribute to Dr. Gilbert L. Woodside. As a scholar ... and all round
great person, I can think of no one in my undergraduate career who influences
me more....
Eugene H. Varney, B.S. '49: It is sad to see Botany and Zoology
(merged) but a three fold increase in majors more than compensates for the
loss of identity. I'll also join the current trends and access the newsletters
via the web...
Bob Marquis, B.S. '58: ... retired after spending 35 years
in the pharmaceuticals industry (Merck) in sales and marketing. My
scientific training at UMass helped a great deal ....
Elliot Rosenfield, B.S. '62: Biology background allowed me
to establish a medical practice niche in my CPA firm ...
Richard C. Franson, B.S. '65: Wonderful article: BioMass #1 on
Dr. Wilce.
Austin Platt, M.A. '63, Ph.D. '65 and Pamella Platt, M.A. '66:
Immensely enjoyed the articles about Ted Sargent's reminisences and Dana
Snyder's video about ... antique farm machinery.
Gail Buckley-Rudick, B.A. '65: M.D. in 1969... Two children.
Vicki Litt Merten, M.A. '68: Whatever happened to Dr. Ryan
Drum, Dr. Bigelow? [Ed: Dr. Drum
is a lecturer at Dominion Herbal College. Dr. Howard Bigelow is deceased
and his wife Dr. Margaret Bigelow has retired
to British Columbia. She has endowed the Margaret E. and Howard E.
Bigelow Award which is administered by the OEB Program and
helps fund research and publication in the area of organismal and evolutionary biology.]
Martha Adams McMahon, B.S. '70: Despite the fact that molecular
bio did not exist when I was there, I got a good enough background ...
John Jenkins, B.S. '72: My biology roots are alive and well ...
farming in Vermont.
Celia Hooper, B.S. '75: Alive and well; working ... a career in
science writing ...
Charles "Dana" Bangs, B.S. '77: ... supervising the
clinical cytogenetics lab at ... UCSF Stanford Healthcare.
Michael Brugger, B.S. '79: Proud father of identical
twin boys ...
Beth Badstubner, B.S. '80: It’s great to have the new "Biology"
designation. ...
Donna Saatma, B.S. '92: I would love to see a web site that
would allow alumni to track down classmates. [Ed: Were working on it!]
Kathy Ucinski, B.S. '95: Hope Prof. Sargent enjoys retirement
Heather Lebel, B.S '98: I have worked this year ... and
am anxious to return to academia.