BioMass No. 2 | page 1 | Spring 2000 |
Chairman Woodcock's Corner
The 1999/2000 academic year has been remarkably busy in the Biology Department,
and very successful in many respects. A major event was the Academic Quality
Assessment and Development (AQAD) review mandated by the
trustees for all UMass programs on a seven year cycle.
We were a
guinea pig department, in the first round of reviews. The
assembled self-assessment document was two-inches thick, and was sent to four
distinguished biologists at peer institutions in the USA.
This March the external review
panel visited for two days of intensive meetings with students,
faculty and administrators. The reviewers report was a strong
vindication of the strength of the department, and its crucial need for more
faculty to balance the huge increase in student interest. Here are a few
excerpts from that report:
Several Biology faculty were recognized for their extraordinary
contributions in teaching, research, and advising:
Elizabeth Connor, College Outstanding Teacher Award ('99);
Lawrence Schwartz, Samuel F. Conti Faculty Fellowship ('99)
and Distinguished Faculty Lecture ('99);
William Bemis, Samuel F. Conti Faculty Fellowship ('00);
Bruce Byers, Outstanding Academic Advisor of the Year ('00);
Elsbeth Walker, Lilly Teaching Fellow ('00).
"The AQAD review team was simply overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and
commitment that the Biology faculty have throughout their ranks for teaching
at the undergraduate level" ...
"Undergraduates respond to this special commitment on the part of the faculty
in a very positive way." ...
"The excellent attitude by the entire Department should not be taken for
granted and should not be squandered." ... "A minimum of
one new faculty must he hired each year for the foreseeable future
... "Department members need to be acknowledged for their outstanding
achievements, ... to be assured that the University recognizes the centrality
of basic biology in the mission of the University, and to have the University
take whatever steps are necessary to adequately support the Biology Department".
For the text of our self-assessment or the full external review,
The process now moves to the Dean and Provost and ultimately to the
President and trustees. We must make sure the
administration is aware of the recommendations of the report,
and look forward to a stronger level of support for our work.
Finally, we were a recipient of an $88,000 Beckman Fellows Award for the
support of undergraduate research. It has been a challenging and
rewarding year, and, as usual, a great privilege for me to chair such an
active and committed group of students, faculty, and staff.