New Faculty Profiles
In January 1999, the faculty welcomed Rolf Karlstrom
to the Biology Department. Dr. Karlstrom comes to us with a B. S. from
Northern Arizona University, a Ph.D. from the University of Utah and
postdoctorals at the Max-Planck Institute for Developmental Biology at
Tübingen, Germany and the Skirball Institute of New York University
Medical Center. Rolf is featured in the Zebrafish article on page 1 of this
issue. Shown here (left to right) is Biology Department Chairman Chris Woodcock at the opening of
the new Zebrafish Breeding Facility which Rolf (with daughter astride hip) directs.
Last February we welcomed Yin-Long Qiu to the Biology Department.
Dr. Qiu is our long awaited plant molecular evolutionist. Y-Q
received a B. S. from Nanjing Agricultural University, PRC, and a Ph.D.
from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He spent three
years at the University of Indiana with Jeffrey Palmer, one of the world's leaders in
plant molecular evolution. He then accepted an Assistant Professorship at
the Institute of Systematic Botany at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Y-Q will join Ron Adkins, our recently hired mammalian molecular
evolutionist, featured in BioMass Issue #1 "New Faculty Profiles",
strengthening molecular evolution within our department.
Just at press time we received news that Jeffrey Podos, our prime
candidate for the behavioral ecologist position, has signed on to come to UMass
this fall. Dr. Podos comes to us with a B. A.
magna cum laude from Franklin and
Marshall College, a Ph.D. from Duke University and a postdoctoral
stint at the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of Arizona,
where he obtained training in the Analysis of Biological Diversification
Help Us Help You
As you can see from the articles in this issue, the Biology Department has not been standing still since
the last BioMass Alumnus Newsletter. If you feel you are not participating in this
movement, all we can say is "Come on down!". We need your help and participation to make our
efforts meaningful. Certainly, communicate with us via the return card or by Email.
If you have an answer to alumni posed questions, why not write or Email us via the Alumni Forum. We will continue to publish
thoughts you wish to share with your fellow alumni on our WWW page as well as in issues of this newsletter.
You may also be interested in how many of your fellow biology alumni have joined the new internet age
with a presence on the WWW. The alumni links page includes
internet examples of both the academic and commercial exploits of our Biology
alumni. If you would like your WWW page listed, or if the one listed
has changed, please contact us by
Email through the Alumni Forum, or write directly to Joe Kunkel at
Another link from the Biology Alumni Website provides useful
professional links which can help the
young biologist explore the practical aspects of alternative paths in biology.
In addition, there is another link which may help an academic plan the next sabbatical. Any
additional links that alumni wish to share should be Emailed to us. Help us help all
our alumni!
Visit your Biology Alumni Web Page at URL: